Article relating to Friday's discussion

The article I found related to the Friday's discussion was about natural gas fracking. It is entitled "Fracking Fury" and was written by Janna Palliser. I found this article to be helpful because I did not fully understand the fracking process. Palliser explained that when fracking, wells are drilled deep into the Earth where rocks are fractured. These fractured rocks help the natural gases flow. The rocks are fractured by the force of large amounts of water being pumped down at them. The water has a lot of chemical additives, and when it returns to the surface with the natural gases, the water can have negative effects on the surrounding environment. Drinking water reserves are believed to be greatly affected by the fracking that occurs in some areas. "Fluid leak off" can contaminate surrounding wells and aquifers, both of which are drinking water sources. In addition to water contamination, Earthquakes and toxic pollution have also been reported in areas where fracking wells are prevalent.

Read "Fracking Fury" by Janna Palliser


  1. Like Alexis, I also read "Fracking Fury" by Janna Palliser. I found her article comparing the pros and cons of fracking very informative, yet the conclusions were irrefutable that fracking has a significant negative aspect on the environment. This also agrees with the Lustgarten piece regarding the EPA study because both conclude that despite the efficiency of natural gas power, the costs of fracking are too significant to outweigh the benefits.


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